Successful Experiences., Teaching mediated by digital technologies, In-person., COVID-19. , Remote teaching.Abstract
This experience report tells about the way in which the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) developed a compilation of good teaching practices, developed throughout the period marked by SARS-CoV-2. NUPED/PRE/UFPel, in 2022, envisioning a return to face-to-face teaching (after the pandemic period that made face-to-face teaching in educational institutions impossible), with the aim of dialoguing with teachers about the experiences experienced during immersion in remote teaching, planned and held an event called “Dialogue on Successful Experiences in Remote Teaching” and subsequently produced an e-book. The event included lectures and presentations of expanded abstracts, had 89 registrations made and 21 expanded abstracts submitted. The plan was for the abstract presentations to take place in two shifts on September 26th, however, due to the fruitful discussions, the event also took place on October 11th, with 70 and 40 people respectively. After the event, the authors of the expanded abstracts were instructed to expand their work to become chapters of an e-book. The e-book was released in July 2023 and is available on the NUPED website. Co-created event and e-book showed that changes in the pedagogical practices of university teachers are undeniable.
ÁVILA, C. M. O.; BOLZAN, L. M.; NÖRNBERG, L.; DA SILVA, R. E. S.. Relatos de Práticas Exitosas no Ensino Remoto. Pelotas. 2023.
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MONKS, E.; AL-ALAM, T.; ROSA, P.D.C.; DA ROSA, J. N.; RIPPEL, H.V. Plataforma Integrada de Ensino Remoto para a UFPel: Ambiente e-Aula.p.158 a 162. In: Workshop de tecnologia da informação e comunicação das instituições federais de ensino superior [livro eletrônico]: v. 1 / organização Ligia Maria Carvalho Sousa, Eunice Pereira dos Santos Nunes. - 14. ed. - Brasília, DF: Associação Nacional dos Dirigentes das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior – Andifes, 2022.
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UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE PELOTAS. Conselho Universitário. Resolução nº 57, de 16 de junho de 2021. Aprova a Estrutura Administrativa da Reitoria, Vice-Reitoria e Pró-Reitorias da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Conselho Universitário, 2021.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Larissa Medianeira Bolzan, Christiano Martino Otero de Avila, Rosaura Espirito Santo da Silva, Lui Nörnberg
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