
  • Antonio Sales Anhanguera-Uniderp
  • Erlinda Martins Batista Anhanguera-Uniderp


Innovative Pedagogical Practices,, Digital Teacher Education, Culture, Digital and Social Capital


 This article analyzes the results of a quantitative research followed by a bibliographic survey, carried out in Brazil, in the Research; Education and Technology Group, between 2021 and 2023. Such project aimed at identifying the aquisition of technological and digital capital by teachers from five universities, as well as the characteristics of their pedagogical practices under the use of these capitals in teacher education courses (called licenciaturas in Brazil) in five universities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In addition to that, the project also mapped out innovative practices and registered the teachers’ experiences with the use of digital technology. In this sense, it is relevant to state that this article makes use of the theoretical scope of the sociological analyzes on Digital Capital from the standpoint of Montenegro teachers, Digital Culture and the School in its educational challenges, as well as takes Convergence Culture and Jenkian ideas into account. The results have shown that, in most cases, teachers benefits from the free technological resources. The analyzes of our results led to the conclusion that either there is no institutional investment in the area or that, when they are present, they don’t make a difference, and also that the access to Digital and Technological Capital is subsided by the teachers themselves. It is hoped that such debates contribute to improve institutional education and, especially, foster upcoming researches.

Author Biographies

Antonio Sales, Anhanguera-Uniderp

Licenciado em Matemática, Mestre e Doutor em Educação. Docente em Cursos Pós-Gradução Stricto Sensu da Unversidade Anhanguera- Unider e do Centro Universitário Anhanguera de São Paulo. Professor no Curso de Medicina da Uniderp

Erlinda Martins Batista, Anhanguera-Uniderp

Graduada em Pedagogia pela UFMS (1989).
Especialista em Orientação Pedagógica em Educação a Distância com enfoque no uso do Chat em Cursos de Especialização da Educação a Distância da UFMS (2000).
Mestre em Educação com enfoque no Uso de Ambiente e Fórum Virtual na Educação a Distância da UFMS (2006)
Doutora em Educação com enfoque na Interação em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem – AVA do Curso de Pedagogia a Distância da UFMS (2013).
Pós-doutorado em Educação pela UERJ (2021)
Docente no Programa de Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática da Universidade -Anhanguera -Uniderp/
Coordenadora do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa e Estudos em Educação a Distância – GINPEAD/DGP/CNPq.


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How to Cite

Sales, A., & Martins Batista, E. (2024). TEACHER TRAINING AND THE DIGITAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CAPITAL REQUIRED FOR TEACHING. SUD, 10. etrieved from https://submissao-esud.ufms.br/home/article/view/36



ESUD2023_Artigos Científicos | Trilha Temática IV - Tecnologias digitais