Science Teaching., Distance Education., School Dropouts., Retention., Management.Abstract
This work reports on the experiences that took place during the Specialization Course in Science Teaching - Final Years of Elementary School - Ciência - Science is Ten. The course was planned to offer some face-to-face classes, but it was held during the pandemic period and had to be offered entirely in Distance Education mode. This surprised everyone involved, as everything had to be adapted to the new format. The course lasted 480 hours, spread over three modules. Moodle was the virtual learning environment used to make the content available. In addition to the subjects, the course participants had to produce a Course Conclusion Work. At the start of the course, the coordination team received complaints about the majority of course participants dropping out. Once the reasons given by the course participants were ascertained, the coordination team immediately took a number of steps to solve the problems. This report presents the strategies used by the coordination team to retain students until the end of the course. The course had a low drop-out rate, mainly due to health issues. The course was managed by relying on a support foundation to manage the funds and on the administrative and academic bodies of a public university.
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