

Digital tools, Digital Information and Communication Technologies, Digital Literacy


This bibliographic review addresses how the Information Society (IS) and Distance Education (EaD) are interconnected by Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC). Bibliographical research was used to write the work, based on authors who deal with IS, EaD and TDIC. The objective of the work is to understand how digital technologies interfere in society and the importance of processing information for the construction of knowledge by it, bringing the challenges imposed by the speed with which DICT and the information itself are presented. EaD today is developed primarily by digital technologies and the internet, although there are still some institutions that do it in a booklet way. It is noticed that it is necessary to invest in digital literacy and literacy aiming at the use of digital tools effectively by society, especially by teachers, tutors and students of the distance modality, making them better informed people, as it guarantees only the access to technology does not guarantee transforming information into qualified. Thus, despite the existing bottlenecks, we understand that with the proper training of distance education actors: teacher, tutor and student, it is possible to transform information into knowledge and bring quality education – face-to-face, distance or hybrid – to all.

Author Biographies

Fabíola Nascimento dos Santos Paes, IFPE

Professora de Matemática, atuante na Educação à Distância do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco.

Luís Gomes de Moura Neto, IFPB

Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica – ProfEPT – IFPB/Campus João Pessoa.

Airton Temístocles Gonçalves de Castro , UFPE

Professor de Matemática, atuante na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

Nascimento dos Santos Paes, F., Moura Neto, L. G. de, & Temístocles Gonçalves de Castro , A. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF DIGITAL INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (TDIC) FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION (EAD). SUD, 13. etrieved from



ESUD2023_Artigos Científicos | Trilha Temática I - Políticas Públicas, regulamentação e institucionalização