MOOC, Co-creation, Moodle., Gamification, Teaching mediated by digital technologies.Abstract
The years 2020 and 2021, marked by a pandemic caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), required teaching that was previously predominantly face-to-face to be migrated to teaching mediated by digital technologies. At UFPel, around 1,500 teachers and 20,000 students migrated to a teaching platform called e-AULA, which is based on the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment. In this scenario, some pedagogical propositions were successful, while others, from the students' perspective, did not enhance learning. This report showed the results of a survey about the pedagogical proposals made by teachers during remote teaching, identifying those that, from the students' perspective, did not obtain a positive result regarding their learning or did not enhance the students' performance in the respective curricular component. From the identification of the propositions that contributed least to learning, solutions were co-created using the Design SPRINT method. These solutions were the co-creation and availability of video tutorials on the use of forums and a MOOC on gamification and H5P gamification elements (e-AULA plugin). In conclusion, this experience highlighted that active listening to students is capable of enhancing the teaching, learning and assessment processes, promoting the teaching pillar of the University.
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